Jet Lag
I realize now I took so little pictures in Bali. So little.
I am so jet lagged currently.
I arrived in Vancouver at 630 pm yesterday- went to bed pretty quickly but woke up at 3 am and it's 8 am now. Eeeeeeeek. Feeling mental.
While in Vancouver I'd like to figure out a few plans before heading north for the spring- Tofino or Alberta or....?
Look to buy: a new camera, backpackers guitar, bathing suit, hair cut and winter clothes.
I had a great spot on the plane- window seat next to an empty spot- 15 hours total of flight time. I had coffee before my two flights so that with a combination of recent plane accident stories and turbulence broke my flights up into 5 parts:
Sleeping, sweating, praying and watching T.V, and wishing I could hold somebody's hand. In truth I've never been one to be scared of flights- I was on these ones though. I couldn't bring myself to look at the window at the shaking wings.
I made it! Will write more clearly in a few days probably. Wishing for rest, grace and clarity!