Prince Rupert Living- at its best!
I arrived home via bike just now. My day was patterned- work- boat- work- boat. I would bike everywhere in between.
The bluebird sky and warm sun has left a glow on my skin. I forget to eat sometimes. My mind is on a track of its own. It is consumed by sailing once again.
I’ve found a passion- or begun to act on one at least. I have access to a little boat. I’ve been taking it out often. Lots of people have come with me. I’ve needed them all. I’ve been the captain. I’ve been the one to get it to and from the dock. I put the engine in the water, make sure there is gas and get there early to go over things. My friends are the ones to push me off boats and calm my nerves- every bit as important.
I imagine riding a bike, to some, would be just as nerve-wracking as sailing is to me.
I step on a bike and it almost becomes part of my body. I understand quickly the centre of gravity, how to shift the gears and make it stop when I want. I know when to walk it and how to guide it along narrow paths.
There is so much to learn about sailing a boat. There is so much to learn about how I handle being on boats.
I want to become as comfortable sailing as I am biking. I want my body and mind to understand it as second nature. To understand what needs to be done to get on and off the dock. To understand the sail patterns, wind directions, how to call friends up to come along, and how to work some things out myself. To feel relaxed, empowered, and comfortable- and share those feelings with others.
Each time I consider heading out on the boat I feel scared. I love it like nothing else and am consumed by passion for the activity. But I have to push myself to go every time.
Just as going for a bike ride around town would be a huge accomplishment and seemingly impossible for some- sailing is for me. If I look at it that way- I’ve “mastered” one “impossible”- and should eventually be able to do the same with this new activity! In theory.
I’ve heard a lot about doing what you love- and everything falling into place afterwards. Maybe this is my activity. Maybe this will open new doors for me. If nothing else, it keeps a skip in my step and gives me a glow inside and out.